Information for the School Year
We ask that the families participate with the classroom tasks by helping:
- Bring in Classroom snacks (vegetables and fruits)
- Flowers that are used to give flower arrangement lessons
- Laundry (every Friday)
Snack and flower rotation: Your child will be assigned a snack and flowers week. We ask that you use this opportunity to have your child shop and help choose the items for their snack week. They will be in charge of snack that week and will help prep and set up. We ask that you do not bring any juices, snacks with lots of sugars, and junk type foods. The children will using this items to do food prep so items like jelly or cream to spread, fruits, veggies, crackers, etc or great to bring.
A bouquet of flowers is also requested. The children work on flower arranging in the classroom as part of their Montessori lessons.
Laundry: The laundry which consists of the work rugs and towels will be sent home on Fridays. Please return by Monday. As these items are imperative to the classroom work period. You can wash the rugs and towels regularly, no special instructions needed. The children have been given a lesson on how to fold towels and how to roll the rugs. We would like to suggest that your child help with this laundry chore for the classroom.
Friday folders are sent home at the end of the week. Please return these to school on Monday. The folders are used to send home and paper type work that your child has done. Please keep in mind that your child will not always go home with a folder as many times they spend their morning work period using the Montessori hands on lessons in the classroom.
Nap Blankets: If your child naps, please bring in a fitted crib sheet and a thin blanket. You will be provided a teal school nap bag. Whatever can fit in this bag comfortably, we can store. Pease do not overstuff the bags or have items protruding. We need to store the bags and would like to keep everyones items from touching. Nap bags will sent home on Fridays for washing. Please return them on Monday.
Parking lot: Be careful and watch for children as you are entering and leaving the parking lot. We are limited on space so we ask that you do not linger long in the parking lot as other parents will be arriving to pick up as well. We ask that parents depart the school building and grounds with their children after dismissal. Please do not allow your child to play on the playground or in the parking lot. Some parents enjoy having extended conversations with other parents at pick-up time. If you do, please park off campus to alleviate parking congestion, and please ensure that your children are with you (off the playground) and closely supervised by you at all times.